Thursday, December 30, 2004

Earthquake and Tidal Wave Stuff...

Don't know if anyone knows much about this, but all over the news has been the story of the earthquake in Indonesia, and the tidal waves that followed. Government sources are saying the effects of this earthquake could take more lives and be costlier than any other natural disaster in modern history. It's surely a difficult time for many people over there. But now it would seem is a good time for Christians to show compassion, and to be involved. Even if not in the form of giving, we could keep these countries in our prayers, that God would work in a great way through this situation, and that His servants there will be given strength to do the work that is in front of them. If anyone is interested in learning more or in giving, I've provided some links to Christian organizations who will give good info on the situation there, and if you so choose, provide ways to give. I believe all of these ministries and associations will use all donated funds completely for a relief fund for this catastrophe. Here they are:
World Vision:
Compassion International:
Salvation Army:
Campus Crusade For Christ International:
Billy Graham Association:
Hope this is insightful for this situation. May God bless you all and give you a wonderful, Happy New Year!


Blogger Meiska said...

I didn't realize that it was that devistating. I'll be sure to keep praying.

10:56 AM  

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