Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Comings and Goings, Second Time Around

I know I keep promising to tell all of you about MasterWorks, and my experience there, and I really want to share with you what a great time I had there, but to write that would take so long, and as the title of this post explains, I'm slightly busy right now.
I do, however, have news. There is a good possibility that I will be attending This course over the next ten months. I'm jumping into this rather quickly, and feel somewhat unprepared. Hopefully, I'll be ready for it, if it's the right choice, by Sept., when it starts. Anyway, keep me in your prayers.
That's my bit of news for now. I'll be taking a week trip up to Estes Park on Sun., be back at the end of the week. I'm going for This, just to get the experience. Hopefully it will be fun. I'll update all of you at the end of my time there, and maybe I'll be able to put in a bit about MasterWorks!


Blogger crossblade said...

The course looks intersting
have a great day...
hope u have a great trip to the worship service too
God bless

7:45 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Have a wonderful time in Estes Park, and I wish you the best in the talent contest. God bless! - Jamie

8:17 PM  
Blogger Queen Mum said...

By the way, how did it go? Tell us please.

6:37 AM  

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