Thursday, May 19, 2005

One And Make Poverty History

If you have visited this blog in the last month, you can see that I made a couple temporary template changes. One in the top right corner, and one in my sidebar, if you scroll down a bit. These are links to a campaign that is working toward, well, making poverty history. It also involves a number of other social issues you can look at on the sites. Make Poverty History is the UK organisation, and The One Campaign is the USA organisation. Choose accordingly, but please visit these sites, at least just to be educated on the issues going on right now.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Chapter Two: In My Place

I suppose I've let a bit of time pass between chapters, but this might take a while for me to have a complete story, so you'll just have to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. A side note, I'm working on a title for my story, I hope to have one up soon for you to view.

In My Place
Moving on with the song of a life, I've moved to chapter two, which enters my actual life. I've come into the world with much hope and joy, feeling the newness of life and refreshment of the world.
And that's where it stops. The good feelings gone, reality starts to kick in, and I see and learn what we do with this mess we've made of life. My second song comes from a personal favourite band of mine, Coldplay, who seem to have a knack for taking the words right out of my mouth. This next song conveys exactly what I've wanted to say.

In my place, In my place
Were lines that I couldn't change
I was lost, oh yeah

I was lost, I was lost
Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed
I was lost, oh yeah

In my place were lines that I couldn't change. Hmm. Isn't it true that it seems that I landed (or rather fallen rather painfully) in this world, in a country not of my own choosing, with a family I had no say over, and the circumstances that are beyond my reach. Lines had been set that I couldn't move outside of, I could only move forward. And when I moved forward, often times I made a wrong step and fell. I tried to step outside the bounds set for me, and I was knocked down into the dust, face flat, dazed and wondering why. I fell into this mortal, fallen hole of a world, and it left me dazed and confused.

Yeah, how long must you
Wait for it
Yeah, how long must you
Pay for it
Yeah, how long must you
Wait for it

The beauty that I once beheld at the beginning of my life had faded away, and I had fallen to the ground, hurt, bruised, and with no one to help me stand up. How long do I have to stay in this place, to wait for something to change, for someone to pick us up? Has someone out there come to my rescue? Are they trying to pay my ransom? Have they waited long to see me come to them? I didn't have a clue, I just knew I was cold, and couldn't save myself, I didn't hold much hope for the future.

I was scared, I was scared
Tired and underprepared
But I wait for it

And if you go, if you go
And leave me down here on my own
Then I'll wait for you

I fell to this place, broken and wounded. I was scared, I didn't know what to do, I had no direction. I only hoped that the faint voice I could hear in the distance would call out to me. It was that faint, still, small voice that caught my attention in the beginning, and it would draw me closer and closer to the answer. I feared abandoment, and I knew nothing else to do but to wait for a rescue.

Singing please, please, please
Come back and sing to me
To me, me
Come on and sing it out,
Now, now
Come on and sing it out,
To me, me
Come back and sing

I love the yearning in this last little bit, it is so true, I begged that love I once felt to come back, I cried out, I wanted to hear that voice again, to bring me back into his arms of love, where I could find peace and safety from danger. I pleaded with the voice to call out to me through the darkness. At this point, I didn't truly know who I was straining to find, but I knew that whoever it was, it was more worth finding than anything in this world. And so I kept searching and calling out, hoping that one day there would be an answer, dying to find a foothold, or a place I could hold onto, pleading for someone to come. Slowly I was slipping from the tedious place I was on this cliff, and would have perished over the edge quickly. I begged for mercy.
And thank God it came.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

An Interlude

"The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship without sacrifice."
Mahatma Gandhi