Saturday, January 07, 2006

I'm Posting From a Windows Computer (heresy!)

Yes, it's true. My beloved Apple Macintosh laptop has been rushed into the computer "emergency room" for last minute hard drive surgery. It appears that something terrible has happened to it. I started to get a clue about it when the upper right-hand corner of my keyboard started humming/buzzing/vibrating.

I am hopeful that I will be back blogging in the next week and a half, though with computer "repair", you never can tell. But I promise, I haven't given up blogging or anything like that!


Blogger Meiska said...

Oh my! Sorry to hear of your troubles! If my funky dell laptop makes it through 4 years of school I'll be amazed!

Oh, by the way, Arianna was sitting next to me the other day while I was on the computer. I had your cd playing and she was singing 'Hey Jude, Hey Joel' for the chorus on 'The Silent Side'! She loves it!

4:22 PM  
Blogger Anna E. P. said...

Oh I hope your computer has a recovery. Tell it I wish it good health, and that I'll be sending flowers to the hospital.

8:29 PM  
Blogger Queen Mum said...

Oh dearest Eucharisto, I am so sorry to hear about your computer.
I do wish you still lived here to rescue me from the prejudiced iMac I just received. It hates me already. That is really too bad, you see, I think it's beautiful and would love to use it. You'd think it would have come with some more instruction. Sigh.... I guess in time I'll figure it out.

You seem to have a way with windows as well. Love you.

6:13 AM  
Blogger V said...

Indeed even I hope your computer "recovers".Being a to-be computer-science engineer, I think it should.

All that's fine...but troubling The Lord for 1 computer?

Haven't we gone a bit too far there?


8:46 AM  
Blogger Andrew Price said...

What, you don't talk to God about your computer, Tequila? (Of course, I'm kidding. Sort of.)

Eucharisto, I'm VERY sorry to hear about your fallen steed. I hope he gets better soon (without taking too much from your wallet in the process!).

11:51 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Thanks...the story has almost come to a close. I wonder what I will post when it is finished?
Life in Texas is good, I am auditioning for the Baylor music school saturday, so I would appreciate your prayers. It is for acceptance, sophomore evaluation, and scholarships. :) God has given me peace so far.

6:34 AM  

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