Friday, July 14, 2006


Well, as a little interlude, here's a couple things to entertain you.

First, if your summer is getting boring, then this could easily fill up a few hours.

Second, I just saw this band live, and was blown away. The writer and lead singer is only seventeen and yet he writes like a pro. Take a look!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea, that one.Though I got bored after a few minutes.

And surely, that song Sound of Melodies was quite good.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Nunzia said...

wow i loved that! thanks so much!

5:30 AM  
Blogger Ruth said...

Everything in Texas is great. Thanks for asking! I am getting a little bored of the summer monotony, but I have a job in Temple this week playing for The King and I so that will be fun. I bet you are preparing to move alredy...times are changing, aren't they? Hope you're summer is going great :)

3:15 PM  
Blogger V said...

Hey mate!

Is everything fine?
Haven't heard from you for a long while...?

9:57 AM  
Blogger Eriol said...

I accidently delet edd your latest comment from my blog. I'm sorry. It fell prey to trying to blog in two languages. Perhaps you could send it via email. I know Andrew would also like to hear about your trip, and in fuller detail. I've just arrived in DC. I'll write about my trip in fuller detail. Take a look at my profile and you'll see a few new names there. I thank you for your comment. I think I can cut and paste it into my comments page.

8:04 PM  
Blogger Eucharisto said...

No problem, it wasn't a big deal. I actually sent off an email to andrew, but I don't have any of rest of you guys' email addresses (sorry for the bad grammar. I only write in one language here, and I do a terrible job of it!). But tell me more! I didn't know you were going to D.C. this year! How cool! What's the reason? And are you enjoying it? Also, I already asked this, but when do Andrew and all get back from camp, and then when do you get back from DC? There's a good chance I'll be coming through your area on my way to SPU.

8:46 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Hi! I'm piggy backing off the last comment here.. If you come through town this week you can meet up with us all downtown at the Symphony on Waterfront park (Aug 31). Very fun! But even if you can't I hope to see you when you come to go to school. Very exciting days!

Oh and the Pollack site was great fun. I love Pollack. In person its very impressive.

2:59 PM  

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